Choosing which option is right for you should start with the amount of interaction you’d like to have with your coach. Some will want to be looked in on only a few times a week, while others will want instant feedback on a workout-per-workout basis. Some will require a basic plan without much customization, as their lifestyles follow a routine that rarely changes, while others will need the convenience of being able to change workouts as needed to comply with their active and ever-changing work/life balance.
Now think about your ambitions and goals. Will they require a greater amount of input and time to reach the level of success that you seek? Examples here would be attaining peak level fitness for a regional or national level event, landing that Category 1 or 2 upgrade, or maybe simply being at your highest level of fitness ever for a targeted event. Here’s an easy way to figure out which coaching package is for you: Go ask your best friend/significant other/spouse,etc. if they would consider you a serious cyclist. If that answer was, “Yes!” then Daily or Weekly coaching is where you belong.